Performance Indicator with Odoo

Boost Your Performance with KPIs and Doodex


In a world where competition is fierce and companies must constantly optimize their performance, performance indicators play a crucial role. Odoo, a suite of open-source business applications, offers powerful tools for managing and tracking performance indicators. This article explores how to use Odoo to optimize your company's performance using KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

What is a performance indicator?

A performance indicator, or KPI (Key Performance Indicator), is a quantifiable measure used to assess the success of an organization or a particular activity. KPIs make it possible to follow progress towards strategic and operational objectives, by providing specific data on performance.

Key Performance Index (KPI): definition

Key Performance Index (KPI) is a set of indicators used to assess the overall performance of a company. KPIs are essential to measure the effectiveness of processes, employee productivity, and profitability of operations. They serve as a compass to guide strategic and operational decisions.

Examples of performance indicators

Performance indicators may vary depending on the objectives and sectors of activity. Here are some current examples:

  1. turnover : measurement of income generated by the company.
  2. conversion rate : percentage of prospects converted into customers.
  3. Customer satisfaction : assessment of customer satisfaction using surveys or feedback.
  4. Employee productivity : quantity of work accomplished by an employee over a given period.
  5. Customer retention rate : percentage of loyal customers over a specific period.

Using KPI in Odoo

Odoo allows you to create and follow personalized KPIs to meet the specific needs of your business. You can configure interactive dashboards that display KPI in real time, offering a clear overview of the company's performance.

Kpi example with Odoo

Take a concrete example: an online sales company wishes to follow its monthly performance. Relevant KPIs could include:

  • Number of sales : Total sales made every month.
  • average order value : average amount spent by customers by order.
  • Product return rate : percentage of products returned by customers.
  • Customer satisfaction rate : average satisfaction score based on customer surveys.

These KPIs can be displayed on an Odoo dashboard, allowing managers to view performance and identify areas requiring improvements.

KPI analysis

KPI analysis is essential to understand the trends and performance of the company. Odoo offers advanced analysis tools that allow KPIs to be broken down and discover precious insights. For example, you can analyze the conversion rate by marketing channel to identify the most effective channels.

A company's performance indicators

The performance indicators of a company vary according to strategic objectives and sectors of activity. The main types of indicators include:

  • Financial indicators : turnover, beneficiary margin, cash flow.
  • Operational performance indicators : productivity, process efficiency, fault rate.
  • Customer performance indicators : customer satisfaction, loyalty rate, number of complaints.
  • HR performance indicators : staff rotation rate, employee satisfaction, training and development.

KPI Management

KPI Management is to define, follow and analyze KPIs to optimize business performance. Odoo facilitates KPI Management by offering features for creating reports, data visualization, and real -time collaboration. You can define clear objectives, follow progress, and adjust the strategies according to the results obtained.

KPI list

Here is a list of KPIs commonly used in various industries:

  1. Sales and marketing :

    • Conversion rate
    • Average command value
    • Customer acquisition cost (CAC)
    • Return on investment marketing (Romi)
  2. Service client :

    • Customer satisfaction rate
    • Average response time
    • Resolution rate at the first contact
  3. Human resources :

    • Staff rotation rate
    • Employee satisfaction rate
    • Number of training days per employee
  4. Finance :

    • Clear beneficiary margin
    • Rate of endettement
    • Operational cash flow

KPI Key Performance

KPI Key Performance are critical indicators to measure the overall performance of the company. They are often linked to the strategic objectives of the company and provide an overview of the progress made. With Odoo, you can follow these KPI Key Performance in a transparent and real -time way.

KPI table

The KPI table is a visualization tool that includes several KPIs on a single interface. Odoo allows you to create personalized KPI tables, including graphics, diagrams, and interactive tables. These tables offer a clear overview of performance and facilitate decision -making.

KPI in French

KPIs are often used in an international context, but it is important to adapt them to the language and culture of the company. Odoo allows you to personalize KPI in French, thus facilitating their understanding and use by local teams.

Performance KPIs

KPIS performance is specific indicators that measure the performance of the company's operational activities. They are essential to assess the efficiency of the processes and identify areas requiring improvements. Odoo offers tools to create and follow these KPIS performance, helping to optimize operations.


KPI Key are main indicators used to assess the company's overall performance. They are essential to measure the achievement of strategic and operational objectives. Odoo allows you to follow these KPI Key in real time, offering an overview of the performance of the company.

KPI indicator

A KPI indicator is a specific measure used to assess a particular performance. For example, the sales conversion rate is a KPI indicator that measures the percentage of prospects converted into customers. Odoo allows you to configure and follow these KPI indicators for various business activities.

KPIS Example

Take an example of KPIS for an e -commerce business:

  • Number of unique visitors : website traffic indicator.
  • conversion rate : percentage of visitors converted into customers.
  • average orders : average amount spent per order.
  • Product return rate : percentage of returned products.
  • Customer satisfaction rate : satisfaction score based on customer surveys.

These KPIS can be followed on an Odoo dashboard, offering an overview of the company's performance.


Performance indicators are essential to measure and optimize business performance. Odoo offers a complete solution for the management of KPIs, allowing to create interactive dashboards, analyze performance, and make informed decisions. By using Odoo, you can transform the management of your performance and achieve your strategic goals efficiently.

Tracking file with Odoo
Maximize Your Management Efficiency with Odoo and Doodex