Stock calculation formula in Odoo

Optimize the Accuracy and Efficiency of Your Inventories with Doodex, Your Trusted Partner

Inventory management is an essential component to ensure the fluidity of operations and customer satisfaction. In a dynamic environment, maintaining optimal stock levels can be a challenge. Odoo, integrated management software, offers robust tools and features to help companies effectively manage their stocks. This article explores the various stock calculation formulas available in Odoo, including safety stock, order point, and other essential calculations.

Importance of stock management

Effective inventory management allows:

  • Reducing storage costs : By maintaining optimal stock levels, we avoid overtocks and sub-stucks.
  • Improving customer service : ensuring the availability of products improves customer satisfaction.
  • Optimizing operations : a good stock calculation makes it possible to plan the replenishments effectively.

Stock calculation formula in Odoo

Odoo offers several formulas to help calculate the necessary stock levels. Here are the main formulas used:

Safety stock

The safety stock is an additional level of stock maintained to avoid stock breaks due to the uncertainties of the request or delivery times. The safety stock formula is as follows:

Safety stock = average daily request × replenishment period in days

Calculation of the order point

The order point is the level of stock to which a new order must be placed to avoid a stock shortage. The formula of the order point is:

Order point = (average daily request × replenishment time in days)+Safety stock

Stock calculation

Calculation of stocks includes several aspects, such as average stock, stock rotation rate and the average replenishment time. Here are some commonly used formulas:

Stock Moyen :

Stock moyen= (Stock initial + Stock final)/2​

stock rotation rate :

Rotation rate = cost of sold goods sold / average stock ​

average time of replenishment :

Average time = sum of the replenishment time / number of orders ​

Safety stock formula

The safety stock formula can be suitable for different situations. For example, when the request and the replenishment period are variable, the formula may include standard deviations:

where Z is the safety factor based on the desired level of service.

Use of stock calculation formulas in Odoo

Odoo incorporates these stock calculation formulas to help companies maintain optimal stock levels. Here is how these formulas are applied in Odoo:

Settings configuration

In Odoo, stock management parameters, such as average daily demand and the replenishment time, can be configured for each product. These parameters are used to automatically calculate the order point and the safety stock.

Automatic command generation

Odoo uses stock calculation formulas to automatically generate replenishment commands when the stock level reaches the order point. This ensures that the products are always available without requiring constant manual intervention.

Monitoring and reporting

Odoo offers monitoring and reporting tools to monitor stock levels, rotation rates, and restocking times. These reports help managers make informed decisions and adjust stock management parameters if necessary.

Practical example of stock calculation in Odoo

To better understand how stock calculation formulas are applied in Odoo, here is a practical example:


An electronic product distribution company wishes to optimize the management of its stocks for a specific product, the "Gadget X".


  • average daily request : 50 units
  • replenishment period : 10 days
  • Initial stock : 200 units
  • estimated final stock : 300 units
  • Sold goods cost : € 100,000
  • Number of orders over a given period : 5


Implementation in Odoo

  1. Products Configuration : daily requests, replenishment and safety stock periods are configured in Odoo for "Gadget X".
  2. command automation : Odoo uses these settings to automatically generate replenishment controls when the stock level reaches the order point.
  3. Continuous monitoring : Odoo reports allow you to follow stock levels, replenishment times and the rate of stock of stocks, helping to make informed management decisions.

Advantages of using stock calculation formulas in Odoo

The use of stock calculation formulas in Odoo offers several significant advantages:

Cost reduction

By maintaining optimal stock levels, companies can reduce storage costs and minimize losses due to overflows or stock breaks.

Improvement of customer satisfaction

By ensuring the availability of products, companies can improve customer satisfaction and avoid loss of sales.

Operational efficiency

Odoo automates many aspects of stock management, allowing managers to focus on higher added value tasks.

Data -based decisions

Odoo reporting and analysis tools provide precise and real -time data, helping managers make informed decisions and adjusting stock management parameters as needed.


Inventory management is crucial for the success of any business. Using stock calculation formulas in Odoo, companies can optimize their stock levels, reduce costs and improve operational efficiency.

The formulas such as the security stock, the order point, and the rate of rotation of stocks allow precise and proactive management of inventories.

Odoo offers integrated and automated tools to apply these formulas effectively, thus guaranteeing optimized stock management and increased customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, stock calculation formulas in Odoo provide a robust framework to manage inventories in a strategic way.

By configuring the appropriate parameters and using advanced odoo features, companies can guarantee constant availability of products while minimizing costs and maximizing operational efficiency.

Stock sheet on Odoo
Optimize Your Inventory Management with Doodex