How to track stock movements with Odoo

A Comprehensive Guide to Tracking Stock Movements in Odoo: Enhance Your Inventory Management with Doodex

Accurately tracking stock movements is vital for maintaining correct inventory levels and ensuring efficient business operations. Odoo's comprehensive Inventory module facilitates effortless tracking and management of stock movements. This article will guide you through the steps to effectively track stock movements using Odoo.

1. Understanding Stock Movements in Odoo

Stock movements in Odoo refer to any transfer of goods within your inventory, whether it's incoming shipments, internal transfers, or outgoing deliveries. Each movement is recorded and can be tracked to maintain accurate inventory records.

2. Setting Up Locations and Warehouses

Before you can track stock movements, it's essential to set up your warehouses and locations within Odoo.

  • Create Warehouses: Navigate to Inventory > Configuration > Warehouses and click on "Create." Fill in the necessary details such as Warehouse Name, Short Name, and Address.
  • Define Locations: Go to Inventory > Configuration > Locations and create new locations as needed. Locations can be internal (within the warehouse) or external (customer or supplier locations).

3. Receiving Products

Tracking begins as soon as products are received into your inventory.

  • Create Purchase Orders: Navigate to Purchase > Orders > Purchase Orders and create a new order. Fill in the supplier details, products, and quantities.
  • Validate Receipts: Once the products are received, validate the receipt in Inventory > Operations > Receipts. This action updates your stock levels and records the movement of goods into your warehouse.

4. Internal Transfers

Internal transfers involve moving goods within different locations of your warehouse.

  • Create Internal Transfers: Go to Inventory > Operations > Transfers and create a new transfer. Select the source and destination locations, and specify the products and quantities to be moved.
  • Validate Transfers: Validate the transfer to update the stock levels in both locations. This movement is recorded and can be tracked in the system.

5. Outgoing Shipments

When products are sold or shipped out, tracking the outgoing movements is crucial.

  • Create Sales Orders: Navigate to Sales > Orders > Sales Orders and create a new order. Fill in the customer details, products, and quantities.
  • Validate Deliveries: Once the order is ready for shipment, validate the delivery in Inventory > Operations > Delivery Orders. This action decreases the stock levels and records the movement of goods out of your warehouse.

6. Tracking and Reporting

Odoo provides various tools and reports to help you track stock movements effectively.

  • Stock Moves: Navigate to Inventory > Reporting > Stock Moves to view a detailed list of all stock movements, including incoming receipts, internal transfers, and outgoing deliveries.
  • Inventory Valuation: Go to Inventory > Reporting > Inventory Valuation to see the value of your stock based on the recorded movements.

7. Integration with other modules

For a comprehensive inventory management system, integrating Odoo Inventory with other modules like Sales, Purchase, and Accounting can provide additional benefits.

  • Sales Integration: Automatically update stock levels when sales orders are confirmed.
  • Purchase Integration: Automatically update stock levels when purchase orders are received.
  • Accounting Integration: Synchronize inventory valuation with accounting entries.


Tracking stock movements with Odoo is essential for maintaining accurate inventory records and ensuring efficient operations. By setting up warehouses and locations, managing receipts and transfers, and utilizing Odoo's tracking and reporting tools, you can achieve effective stock management.

Why Choose Doodex for Your Odoo Implementation?

If you're looking for a reliable partner to help you implement and optimize Odoo Inventory, look no further than Doodex. Doodex specializes in providing comprehensive Odoo solutions tailored to meet your business needs. Our team of experts ensures a seamless implementation process and offers continuous support to help you get the most out of your Odoo system.

Don't wait any longer! Contact Doodex today and take your inventory management to the next level with Odoo.

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