HR Dashboards Example: A Complete Guide

Introduction to HR Dashboards

In the world of human resources management (HR), the effective use of HR dashboards is essential to monitor, analyze and improve business performance. These tools make it possible to view crucial data, thus facilitating informed decisions. In this article, we will explore various examples of HR dashboards, their importance and how to use them to optimize human resources management.

What is a HR dashboard?

An HR dashboard is a visual management tool that compiles and presents key data relating to a company's human resources. It can include performance indicators (KPI), statistics on absenteeism, turnover, employee satisfaction, and much more. This information is crucial for HR managers because it makes it possible to monitor the state of the organization and to identify the areas requiring improvements.

HR dashboard example

To illustrate the importance and use of HR dashboards, here is a typical example of what an HR dashboard could look like:

  1. Key performance indicators (KPI):
  • Absenteeism
  • Turnover rate
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Average recruitment time
  1. Statistics on the workforce:
  • Total number of employees
  • Distribution by department
  • Distribution by seniority
  • Gender distribution
  1. training and development:
  • Number of training hours per employee
  • Participation rate in training
  • Budget allocated to training
  1. Tableau de Bord Social :
  • Participation rate in social activities
  • Employees feedback on social initiatives
  • Employee commitment

Importance of HR dashboards

The use of HR dashboards offers several key advantages:

  • Informed decision -making: by viewing precise and up -to -date data, managers can make more informed decisions.
  • Identification of problems: The dashboards make it possible to quickly identify problems such as high absenteeism or an important turnover.
  • Monitoring of objectives: They help follow the progress in relation to the HR objectives set.
  • Effective communication: Dashboards are visual tools that facilitate the communication of important information to stakeholders.

Example of a social dashboard HR

A social dashboard is a specific subset of HR dashboards, focusing on social and well-being aspects of employees. Here is an example of what a social dashboard might contain:

  • employee satisfaction:
  • Overall satisfaction rate
  • Feedback on the working environment
  • Improvement suggestions
  • Participation in social activities:
  • Participation rate in corporate events
  • Number of social initiatives organized
  • Returns to past events
  • Professional life/Personal life:
  • Satisfaction rate concerning work/personal life balance
  • Telework and flexibility policies
  • Well-being programs offered

How to create an effective HR dashboard?

The creation of an efficient HR dashboard requires following several key steps:

  1. Define the objectives: Identify the objectives you want to achieve with your dashboard. What KPIs are the most relevant for your organization?
  2. Collect data: gather the data necessary from various internal sources such as HR management systems, surveys of employees, etc.
  3. Choose the appropriate tools: Use tools like Excel, Power Bi or HR specific software to create your dashboards.
  4. View data: Present the data clearly and concise. Use graphics, tables and diagrams to facilitate understanding.
  5. Analyze and act: Analyze data to identify potential trends and problems. Put in place corrective actions based on the results.

Excel HR dashboard to download for free

To facilitate the creation of your own dashboards, many Excel models are available for free online. These pre-formatted models allow you to enter your data and automatically generate graphics and analyzes. Here are some resources where you can find Excel HR dashboards to download for free:

  • Excel free dashboard model: This model makes it possible to follow the rate of absenteeism, the reasons for absences and trends over time.
  • Excel workforce monitoring table: a model to follow the workforce by department, by seniority, and by gender.
  • Excel HR management board: A complete model including various KPI HR, interactive graphics, and detailed analyzes.


HR dashboards are essential tools for any organization wishing to optimize its management of human resources. By visualizing key data in a clear and concise way, they allow managers to make informed decisions, identify potential problems, and to follow progress towards the objectives set. Whether you use Excel models to download for free or specialized software, the important thing is to create dashboards adapted to your specific needs.

Do not hesitate to explore different examples of HR dashboards and adapt them to your organization to maximize their efficiency. By investing time and resources in the creation and analysis of these tools, you will help improve the overall performance of your business and the well-being of your employees.

Useful resources

  • HR dashboard example: Find inspiring examples to create your own dashboards.
  • Social dashboard Example: specific models to follow the social and well-being aspects of your employees.
  • HR dashboard to download: access free models to help you start.

The use of HR dashboards is an essential practice for any business wishing to remain competitive and continuously improve its human resources management processes. By applying the advice and examples presented in this article, you will be better equipped to fully exploit the potential of these powerful tools.

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