Sales Dashboard Example with Odoo

Create an Effective Business Dashboard with Odoo and DOODEX

In today's business world, effective sales and business performance management is essential for the growth and success of a business. A sales dashboard helps track and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) in real-time, making it easier to make informed decisions. 

Odoo, a comprehensive ERP solution, offers powerful tools for creating and managing business dashboards. This article explores an example of a business dashboard with Odoo, the essential business metrics to include, and how DOODEX can help you set up an effective sales dashboard.

Why Use a Sales Dashboard?

A sales dashboard is a visual tool that helps track and analyze a company's sales performance. It provides an overview of key metrics, such as revenue, sales by product, sales team performance, and much more. Here are a few reasons why a sales dashboard is essential:

  1. Real-Time Visibility: A sales dashboard provides real-time data, allowing managers to track sales performance instantly.
  2. Informed Decision-Making: By having access to accurate and up-to-date data, managers can make informed decisions to improve sales performance.
  3. Goal Tracking: A dashboard helps track progress against set sales goals, helping to identify areas that need improvement.
  4. Resource optimization: By analyzing the performance of sales and product teams, companies can optimize resource allocation to maximize revenue.

Example of a Sales Dashboard with Odoo

Odoo offers flexibility and robust features to create custom business dashboards. Here is an example of a business dashboard with Odoo, highlighting key business indicators:

1. Total Revenues

This indicator shows the revenue generated over a given period. It helps track sales growth and identify seasonal trends.

2. Sales by Product

This chart shows sales by product or product category. It helps to identify the best performing products and those that need attention.

3. Performance of Sales Teams

This metric tracks the performance of sales teams, showing the sales made by each team member. This makes it possible to recognise the best performance and to identify training or support needs.

4. Conversion Rate

Conversion rate measures the percentage of leads that turn into customers. It is a key indicator for evaluating the effectiveness of sales and marketing strategies.

5. Sales Objectives

This chart compares actual sales to set sales targets. It allows you to see if the company is in line with its objectives or if adjustments are necessary.

6. Sales Pipeline

The sales pipeline shows the different stages of the sales process and the number of leads at each stage. This helps to identify bottlenecks and improve the efficiency of the sales process.

Key Business Metrics for a Sales Dashboard

To create an effective sales dashboard, it's essential to include the right business metrics. Here are some essential dashboard business metrics to consider:

  • turnover

Total revenue is one of the most important metrics to track. It shows the overall sales performance and helps measure the growth of the business.

  • Sales by Region

This sales table shows sales by geographic region. It helps to identify the best-performing markets and adapt sales strategies accordingly.

  • Name of Ventes

The number of sales made over a given period is a key indicator to measure the effectiveness of sales teams.

  • profit margin

The profit margin shows the percentage of profit made on sales. It is an essential indicator for evaluating the profitability of products and services.

  • Average Sales Cycle

The average sales cycle measures the time it takes to convert a lead into a customer. It helps identify inefficiencies in the sales process and improve conversion speed.

  • Average Order Value

This indicator shows the average value of orders placed by customers. It helps measure the effectiveness of upsell and promotion strategies.

Create a Sales Dashboard Example with Odoo

To create an effective business dashboard with Odoo, follow these steps:

1. Define Goals

Start by defining the goals of your sales dashboard. What indicators do you want to monitor? What are the sales objectives to be achieved?

2. Select Indicators

Choose the business metrics dashboard that are most relevant to your business. Be sure to include metrics that measure overall performance, team performance, and product performance.

3. Configure Odoo

Configure Odoo to track the selected indicators. Use Odoo's sales, CRM, and reporting modules to collect and analyze the necessary data.

4. Create Graphs and Tables

Use Odoo's data visualization tools to create visual charts and dashboards. Make sure the graphics are clear and easy to understand.

5. Analyze and Adjust

Analyze your sales dashboard data regularly. Use the insights gained to adjust your sales strategies and improve overall performance.

How DOODEX can help you

DOODEX, a certified partner of Odoo, can help you create and manage an effective business dashboard. With their expertise in Odoo integration and customization, DOODEX offers solutions tailored to your specific needs. Here's how DOODEX can help you:

1. Consulting and Planning

DOODEX starts with an assessment of your business needs and helps you set goals for your sales dashboard.

2. Configuration and Customization

DOODEX configures and customizes Odoo to track relevant business metrics. They make sure that your dashboard is tailored to your sales processes and business goals.

3. Training and Support

DOODEX offers comprehensive training to your teams to help them use the sales dashboard effectively. They also provide ongoing support to resolve any issues and optimize the use of Odoo.

4. Analysis and Optimization

DOODEX regularly analyzes the performance of your sales dashboard and advises you on adjustments to improve results.


A sales dashboard is an essential tool for tracking and improving a company's sales performance. With Odoo, you can create custom dashboards that provide valuable insights into your sales, sales teams, and products.

By following best practices and including relevant business dashboard metrics, you can maximize the effectiveness of your sales dashboard. 

With the help of DOODEX, you can set up a sales dashboard that meets your specific needs and helps you achieve your sales goals.

Ready to create your business dashboard with Odoo? Contact DOODEX today to learn more about how we can help you optimize your sales performance.

Business management and dashboards
Doodex: Optimize your business management with personalized Odoo dashboards, for efficient management and informed decisions